communications - перевод на русский
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communications - перевод на русский

Communications; Communicating; Social communication; Communicate; Communication skills; Modern communication; Social Communication; Social communications; Linear communication; Media and Communications; Communicologist; Communications technologies; Communications Technology; Formulaic Communication in the 21st Century; User talk:Loreensherman/draft one; Formulaic communication; Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/The Progression of the Philosophy of Formulaic Communication; The Progression of the Philosophy of Formulaic Communication; Problems in oral communication; Communication behavior; Cultural aspects of communication; Barriers to interpersonal communication; Comunication; C12s; Media and Communication Arts
  • Many flowers use vivid colors to signal to insects that they offer food like nectar.
  • Barnlund's model of interpersonal communication. The orange arrows show how the communicators decode cues and the yellow arrows symbolize their behavioral responses.
  • p=40}}
  • Daydreaming is a form of intrapersonal communication.
  • Shaking hands]] is one form of non-verbal communication.
  • Interpersonal communication happens between two or more distinct individuals, like during a conversation.
  • Many species of fireflies communicate with light to attract mates.
  • Lasswell's model is based on five questions corresponding to five basic components.
  • Sales contract inscribed on a clay tablet in pictographic writing using cuneiform
  • Central to Schramm's model are the processes of encoding and decoding as well as feedback.
  • Steps of plant communication
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общая лексика

связь, система [средства] связи

коммуникация, взаимодействие, передача информации

строительное дело


система связи


пути сообщения

нефтегазовая промышленность

коммуникации (подъездные пути)

связь; система связи; коммуникации; пути сообщения
1) связь, коммуникация; система связи 2) передача информации (от ее источника адресатам); сообщение - all-points communication
- analog communication
- authenticated communication
- broadcast communication
- burst communication
- character-oriented communication
- clear communication
- clear-to clear communication
- client-server communication
- coded communication
- computer-to-terminal communication
- confidential communication
- conversational communication
- covert communication
- cryptographic communication
- cryptographically protected communication
- cryptographically secure communication
- data communication
- dial-up communication
- digital communication
- digitally encrypted voice communication
- diplomatic communication
- document communication
- enciphered communication
- encrypted communication
- encryption communication
- based secure communication
- end-to-end communication
- frequency hopping communication
- high density communication
- high-speed communication
- imitative communication
- intelligence communication
- interactive communication
- inter-enclosure communication
- in-the-clear communication
- large-volume communication
- legitimate communication
- multichannel communication
- multimedia communication
- multipeer communication
- online communication
- packet communication
- peer-to-peer communication
- plain communication
- point-to-multipoint communication
- program-to-program communication
- prohibited communication
- protected communication
- reliable communication
- robust communication
- secrecy communication
- secret communication
- secure communication
- secure-to-secure communication
- secure communication over insecure channel
- secure voice communication
- sensitive communication
- signed communication
- single-domain communication
- speech communication
- spoken communication
- teleprinter communication
- teletype communication
- terminal-to-computer communication
- terminal-to-terminal communication
- top security communication
- two-way communication
- unauthorised communication
- undirected communication
- user/computer communication
- user to user communication
- visual communication
- voice communication


общая лексика

устанавливать связь

передавать сообщение

обмениваться информацией




общая лексика





поддерживать связь



быть смежными (о комнатах, домах, территории и т. п.)

понимать (друг друга)

иметь духовную связь

тесную дружбу

сочувствовать друг другу

передавать кому-л. (to), о чем-л.


передавать (теплоту)

сообщать (движение)

церковное выражение







Смотрите также

communicating by sound


общая лексика



communicate v. 1) сообщать; передавать кому-л. (to), о чем-л. (about/on The two nations' leaders were unable to communicate on methods of limiting atomic explosions. You have a duty as a scientist to communicate your discovery to the world. 2) сообщаться (with); сноситься (by) It is always difficult to communicate with someone who speaks a foreign language. The girl claims to he able to communicate with the dead. Politicians are often unable to communicate with ordinary people. 3) eccl. причащать(ся) Syn: see say
communication noun 1) передача, сообщение (мыслей, сведений и т. п.); информация - vocal communication - privileged communication - lines of communication 2) коммуникация; связь; средство сообщения (железная дорога, телеграф, телефон и т. п.) 3) pl. коммуникации; коммуникационные линии 4) общение, средство общения; pl. связи, контакты to be in communication with smb. - переписываться с кем-л. 5) attr. служащий для сообщения, связи - communication trench - communication service - communication satellite


общая лексика





средство связи



общая лексика


сообщение (мыслей, сведений, новостей и т. п.)










средство связи


передача, сообщение (мыслей, сведений и т. п.)

средство сообщения (железная дорога, телеграф, телефон и т. п.)

общение, средство общения

связи, контакты

служащий для сообщения, связи

специальный термин


коммуникационные линии


the means of sending or receiving information, such as telephone lines or computers.
the means of travelling or of transporting goods, such as roads or railways.



Communication is usually defined as the transmission of information. The term can also refer to the message itself, or the field of inquiry studying these transmissions, also known as communication studies. There are some disagreements about the precise definition of communication - for example, whether unintentional or failed transmissions are also included and whether communication does not just transmit meaning but also create it. Models of communication aim to provide a simplified overview of its main components and their interaction. Many models include the idea that a source uses a coding system to express information in the form of a message. The source uses a channel to send the message to a receiver who has to decode it in order to understand its meaning. Channels are usually discussed in terms of the senses used to perceive the message, like hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste.

Communication can be classified based on whether information is exchanged between humans, members of other species, or non-living entities such as computers. For human communication, a central distinction is between verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbal communication involves the exchange of messages in linguistic form. This can happen through natural languages, like English or Japanese, or through artificial languages, like Esperanto. Verbal communication includes spoken and written messages as well as the use of sign language. Non-verbal communication happens without the use of a linguistic system. There are many forms of non-verbal communication, for example, using body language, body position, touch, and intonation. Another distinction is between interpersonal and intrapersonal communication. Interpersonal communication happens between distinct individuals, such as greeting someone on the street or making a phone call. Intrapersonal communication, on the other hand, is communication with oneself. This can happen internally, as a form of inner dialog or daydreaming, or externally, for example, when writing down a shopping list or engaging in a monologue.

Non-human forms of communication include animal and plant communication. Researchers in this field often formulate additional criteria for their definition of communicative behavior, like the requirement that the behavior serves a beneficial function for natural selection or that a response to the message is observed. Animal communication plays important roles for various species in the areas of courtship and mating, parent-offspring relations, social relations, navigation, self-defense, and territoriality. In the area of courtship and mating, for example, communication is used to identify and attract potential mates. An often-discussed example concerning navigational communication is the waggle dance used by bees to indicate to other bees where flowers are located. Due to the rigid cell walls of plants, their communication often happens through chemical means rather than movement. For example, various plants, like maple trees, release so-called volatile organic compounds into the air to warn other plants of a herbivore attack. Most communication takes place between members of the same species since its purpose is usually some form of cooperation, which is not as common between species. However, there are also forms of interspecies communication, mainly in cases of symbiotic relationships. For example, many flowers use symmetrical shapes and colors that stand out from their surroundings in order to communicate to insects where nectar is located to attract them. Humans also practice interspecies communication, for example, when interacting with pets.

The field of communication includes various other issues, like communicative competence and the history of communication. Communicative competence is the ability to communicate well and applies both to the capability to formulate messages and to understand them. Two central aspects are that the communicative behavior is effective, i.e. that it achieves the individual's goal, and that it is appropriate, i.e. that it follows social standards and expectations. Human communication has a long history and how people exchange information has changed over time. These changes were usually triggered by the development of new communication technologies, such as the invention of writing systems (first pictographic and later alphabetic), the development of mass printing, the use of radio and television, and the invention of the internet.

Как переводится communications на Русский язык